Editorial Review

Cool Hand Luke

File Name & Size Description of Wav Sound

175 KB

Strother Martin as the Captain: "You'll learn the rules. It's all up to you. I can be a good guy, or I can be one real mean sumbitch... It's all up to you."

124 KB

Strother Martin: "What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach."

85 KB

Paul Newman: "What we've got here is a failure to communicate."

109 KB

Paul Newman: "Hey, old man, you home tonight?... 'Bout time we had a little talk."

150 KB

George Kennedy as Dragline: "You don't listen much, do ya, boy?"

Paul Newman: "I ain't heard that much worth listening to – just a lot of guys layin' down a lot of rules and regulations."

112 KB

Strother Martin: "You're gonna get your mind right... and I mean right."

27 KB

Paul Newman: "Stop feedin' off me!!"

67 KB

George Kennedy: "Now, when was the last time you ever saw my boy throw up?"

83 KB

Paul Newman: "What do ya got in mind for me?... What do I do now?"

128 KB

Paul Newman: "Where are ya?... Where are ya now???"

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