Editorial Review

The Simpsons:  Marge    page  1    2

File Name KB Description of Wav Sound 18

Marge: "Absolutely not." 30

Marge: "Oh, it was an accident – an accident!" 34

Marge: "742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield." 18

Marge: "Isn't it adorable?" 23

Marge: "You two make an adorable pair." 31

Marge: "I'm not sure your advice was all that helpful." 27

Marge: "<gasp> That's amazing!" 58

Marge: "Shut up, Becky! ... There, I finally said it." 35

Marge: "This isn't over, Becky! I know where you live!" 17

Marge: "I'm going to bed." 46

Marge: "Who's up for some beers?"

Homer: "I am!"

Stephen Hawking: "That's the smartest thing I've heard all day." 12

Marge: "Beer!" 26

Marge: "Well, maybe it's all for the best." 37

Marge: "Let's have a civilized conversation, shall we?" 61

Homer: "Are you coming on to me?"

Marge: "No! Good night. Sheesh." 35

Marge: "Now hold on – I have some concerns." 44

Marge: "Before you even consider this, I insist you consult a doctor." 17

Marge: "That's crazy!" 17

Marge: "It's too dangerous." 34

Marge: "<groan> I guess I've been in denial." 19

Marge: "What have you done?" 17

Marge: "Don't do that!" 43

Marge: "Mmmm, I don't know ... I just don't get this." 29

Marge: "Oh, dear, we don't want that!" 26

Marge: "Maybe we should all have a few drinks." 42

Homer: "Is this a happy ending or a sad ending?"

Marge: "It's an ending. That's enough." 26

Marge: "I thought those only existed in the movies." 16

Marge: "You should get your eyes checked." 27

Marge: "No, I will not pay you $500 for sex." 24

Marge: "How have you been getting away with this?" 29

Marge: "Someone should really go up there and talk to him." 21

Marge: "Good lord!" 13

Marge groaning. 32

Marge: "Guns are very dangerous, and I won't have them in this house." 17

Marge: "That ain't gonna happen, bub." 23

Marge: "Oh, you like Jimi Hendrix, right?" 18

Marge: "Hey!" 17

Marge: "Hey, listen to this." 31

Marge: "Hey ... Look at that." 60

Marge: "Ya know, a lot of men use their Saturdays to do things around the house... hint, hint." 32

Marge: "I never realized history was so filthy!" 16

Marge: "Any ideas yet?" 25

Marge: "Something incredible has happened!" 24

Marge: "Please, just let it be." 40

Marge: "Ooooh, that's a lifesaver!" 20

Marge: "Have you lost your mind?" 22

Marge: "Have you lost your mind?" 72

Marge: "Whenever the wind whistles through the leaves, I'll think, 'Lowenstein... Lowenstein...' "

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