Editorial Review

Twin Peaks

File Name & Size Description of Wav Sound

76 KB

Michael J. Anderson as the Dwarf: "Ahha haahaa ahhaahhaa ahhaahhhahha!"

32 KB

Kyle MacLachlan as Special Agent Dale Cooper: "We need doughnuts! And coffee... hot!"

48 KB

Kyle MacLachlan: "This is – excuse me – a damned fine cup of coffee."

27 KB

Kyle MacLachlan: "Damned good coffee! And hot!"

35 KB

Michael J. Anderson: "Fire walk with me."

32 KB

Kenneth Welsh as Windom Earle: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

55 KB

Sheryl Lee as Laura Palmer: "Help me."

76 KB

David Lynch as Gordon Cole: "We will pursue..."

MacLachlan joins in: "...capture, and incarcerate."

Lynch: "Let's hit the road."

64 KB

MacLachlan: "How's Annie? How's Annie? How's Annie? Ah, hah, heh, heh, hee, heh, heh!"

28 KB

MacLachlan: "This must be where pies go when they die."

59 KB

David Lynch: "Coop, it gives me great pleasure to reinstate you into the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

49 KB

Lynch: "Would you please ask the lady with the log to speak up!"

64 KB

Richard Beymer as Benjamin Horne: "Sometimes the urge to do bad is nearly overpowering."

135 KB

Kyle MacLachlan: "Harry, I have no idea where this will lead us. But I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange."

40 KB

Michael J. Anderson: "Wow, Bob, wow."

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