Editorial Review

The Simpsons:   Mr. Burns

File Name & Size Description of Wav Sound

33 KB

Mr. Burns: "I've obtained a rare, powerful aphrodisiac."

43 KB

Mr. Burns: "Ya know, I'm no art critic, but I know what I hate."

18 KB

Mr. Burns: "This sounds like bad news."

15 KB

Mr. Burns: "D'oh, balderdash!"

33 KB

Mr. Burns: "Now, it would involve betrayal and unspeakable evil."

25 KB

Mr. Burns: "It would be like taking candy from a baby."

8 KB

Mr. Burns: "Capital!"

24 KB

Mr. Burns: "Well, it seems to be some sort of communiqué."

24 KB

Mr. Burns: "You call this a super computer??"

21 KB

Mr. Burns: "All right, you're dismissed. I'll take it from here."

18 KB

Mr. Burns: "Excellent!"

9 KB

Mr. Burns: "Excellent!"

15 KB

Mr. Burns: "Excellent."

24 KB

Mr. Burns: "We need some excitement around here!"

27 KB

Mr. Burns: "I'm making you my executive vice president."

14 KB

Mr. Burns: "You're fired!"

40 KB

Mr. Burns: "Oh, I get it. I'm on to you."

44 KB

Mr. Burns: "Actually I was wondering if you were free for a little get-together tonight."

12 KB

Mr. Burns: "Halloween is upon us!"

19 KB

Mr. Burns: "May I help you?"

15 KB

Mr. Burns: "In time, in time."

21 KB

Mr. Burns: "How could you be so irresponsible?"

22 KB

Mr. Burns: "We're the laughing stock of the town!"

17 KB

Mr. Burns: "I think I'm in love."

21 KB

Mr. Burns: "I'm head-over-heels in love!"

26 KB

Mr. Burns: "True love at last!"

62 KB

Mr. Burns: "I want to be loved."

Homer: "I see... Well, I'll need some beer."

26 KB

Mr. Burns: "You're sure you just haven't made thousands of mistakes?"

55 KB

Jingle for Burns' gubernatorial campaign: "Only a moron wouldn't cast his vote for Monty Burns!"

17 KB

Mr. Burns: "I'll do no such thing!"

18 KB

Mr. Burns: "This is a golden opportunity!"

13 KB

Mr. Burns: "That's preposterous."

36 KB

Mr. Burns: "Great heavens! What kind of radio show is this?"

52 KB

Mr. Burns: "What act of unmitigated evil shall the Republican Party undertake this week?"

28 KB

Mr. Burns: "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

22 KB

Mr. Burns: "You're right! We're getting screwed!"

22 KB

Mr. Burns: "I need to speak with you in private."

15 KB

Mr. Burns: "Let's get started."

96 KB

Mr. Burns: "I'll keep it short and sweet. Family, religion, friendship... these are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business."

48 KB

Mr. Burns: "Little do they realize their days of suckling at my teat are numbered."

45 KB

Mr. Burns: "If you can take advantage of a situation in some way, it's your duty as an American to do it."

30 KB

Mr. Burns: "Tee de lee de lee dee dee, tee da lee dee dee."

21 KB

Mr. Burns: "Thank you all so much."

37 KB

Mr. Burns: "We have to, uh... expel some urine!"

29 KB

Mr. Burns: "Visual aids help so much. Thank you."

20 KB

Mr. Burns: "What in blazes are you talking about??"

17 KB

Mr. Burns: "What is this? What are you doing?"

25 KB

Mr. Burns: "How would you improve the worker situation?"

22 KB

Mr. Burns: "It's working!"

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