Editorial Review

The Simpsons:   Moe

File Name & Size Description of Wav Sound

47 KB

Moe: "Think of the children ... Won't somebody please think of the children??"

24 KB

Moe: "This is the busiest drinking day of the year."

30 KB

Moe: "All right, uh, let's get started on lunch."

23 KB

Moe <in pain>: "Oh! God, my eye!"

32 KB

Barney: "What happened?"

Moe: "Aw, it ain't no mystery."

17 KB

Moe: "I need cash and lots of it."

20 KB

Moe: "Oh, dear God, no!"

33 KB

Moe: "I got so many problems I don't even know where to begin here."

22 KB

Moe: "So this was all a scam!"

61 KB

Moe: "Well, it coulda been a real ugly situation, but I managed to shoot him in the spine."

58 KB

Moe: "Ya gotta think hard and come up with a slogan that appeals to all the lazy slobs out there."

27 KB

Moe: "Now get out there and spread that message to the people."

82 KB

Moe: "I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt, and my butt smells, and I like to kiss my own butt."

29 KB

Moe: "Oh, this is turning out to be a total waste of time."

22 KB

Moe: "Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on?"

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